
Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

This Friendship

Once I ever got really angry, but you 
all my best friend always in beside
Once I ever got totally messy,
but you all my best friend always 
keep me up
and Once I ever got stay away, and
you all my best friend always be my side
You all never bring me down,
you all always keep my faith on
and you all always be the best in my life,
thanks for that
and this friendship will be ever lasting
together we reach our beautiful dreams
and together we will always

-Fathin Faridah
Semarang, 10 Desember 2012

4 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. bikinan teman SMP saya ini hoho. terimakasih sudah mampir :)

  2. Maaaaaaamaaa... baca blog aku jugaaa >_< >_<


mau bertukar pikiran?:D